Create online shop for free with Facebook business page from a digital marketing company

Create online shop for free with Facebook business page from a digital marketing company



How can you create online shop for free with Facebook business page? In order to sell products on Facebook platform, you require to create a Facebook page for your business. Please remember this is not your personal page. Build your Facebook Shop manually where you sell in Facebook Marketplace or in the Facebook Groups. Finally, you’ll want to market your products and your Facebook Shop through ads, contests, and boost posts to maximize sales.

Facebook Shops are for small businesses who can set up online store for its customers. This is transformation of physical business model to digital business. You and your customers with Facebook and Instagram accounts can access your Facebook business page, sell products online, book appointment, add WhatsApp chat, Messenger, apart from Instagram. You can also tag products during Facebook and Instagram live streams. Your customers can click on these tags to be directed to a Facebook product ordering page.

In 2021 it is very important to understand the Indian e-commerce market, as the latest trend shows, Indian consumers ordering items using e-commerce apps. But without spending money, you can create online shop for free with Facebook business page.

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